Online Counseling


No waiting room and no driving. According to the APA, “while some people are still skeptical about the prospects of receiving therapy online, the benefits are really hard to ignore. The ease of engaging in remotes sessions, the cost savings, the ability to freely text with your therapist are excellent motivations for giving it a try. In addition, the widespread acceptance of tele-therapy by the psychology profession has made online therapy even more appealing….All psychologist must be licensed in the state that they practice. Licensure laws protect you by ensuring only those who are trained and qualified to practice receive a license.” Dr. Tracy Williamson is licensed to practice in California.

What are Telehealth services and when are they used?

Mental health staff may be present at another location and available to serve you through the use of technology that could take place on your phone or computer with a camera. Instead of talking on the phone at another location, Telemental health services use a video camera and computer to send both voice and personal images (pictures) between you and mental health staff so not only can you talk to each other, but you can also see each other. This allows mental health staff to make a better evaluation of your needs.

How do Telehealth services work?

You will be in a private room or your car for privacy by yourself or with a partner or family member depending on the therapy you are doing. Your therapy could be individual, couple or family. The mental health staff will also be in a private room at another location with the same type of equipment. You will be sent a link through email or a text. You will click on this link on your phone or computer and be placed in a virtual waiting room until the therapist starts the session with both of you present. When the session is ready to begin, the provider will start the computer and camera so that you and the mental health staff can see each other and talk together. When the session is over the provider will shut off the equipment.

How is it different from a regular session with a mental health person?

Other than you and the mental health provider will not be in the same room, there is very little difference in the session. The psychologist will ask and document clinical information that you share with her, document the service provided, and ensure that the documentation is included in your clinical record for future reference.


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8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm





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